Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Baby Dress I Made :)

This is sort of a toddler shirt that I made. I didn't have a pattern, and I've never made one, but I think that it came out pretty well. Enjoy! :)

"21She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet." Proverbs 31:21


Joyful said...


Great job without a pattern! That was how I first learned to sew - "designing" clothing for my Barbie doll! I did eventually save up baby sitting money to buy a sewing machine and went on after high school to study fashion design. Used to make all my clothes.

Today I design cross stitch patterns that feature Bible verses. I would like to invite you to my website to take a look. There is a free design called "His Name is Jesus" that has blessed many.

Keep being a "Light" unto Him!


Lydia said...

Wow! thank you so much for the site invitation. Your designs are beautiful.

I'm interested as to how you found my site. I'm so glad you have and I hope that you'll come back :)


Kristen said...

That is sooo neat, Lydia! It turned out to be absoultely beautiful! I am amazed at your talent -- you came up with that without a pattern??? wow.